Gum Irrigation Recipe

Dr. Taylors Recipe For Gum Health

Use a Water-Pik or other oral irrigator to irrigate every day with diluted Saturated Salt Solution.

To make saturated salt solution:
• Get a large glass jar: (1 or 2-quart size). Mason jars are ideal.
• Put about ½ an inch of baking soda and ½ an inch of salt in the bottom of the jar.
• Fill the jar with very warm water.
• Turn the jar over a few times to mix it up.
• Let the solution settle for 8 or more hours.
• The clear part above the silt is Saturated Salt Solution.
• Don’t get the silt in your irrigator. It’ll get clogged.

Each Day:

In a new container, dilute the solution with one part warm water and one part solution. Don’t stir up the silt when you pour it off. The silt will clog your WaterPik. Irrigate all around every one of your teeth with a gentle, low pressure setting. Run tap water through your waterpik afterward to keep it clean.


These recommendations are based on research summarized in:
J Am Dent Assoc, Vol 131, No 9, 1293-1304.

Dr. Taylor’s Tooth Tonic

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Natural DIY mouthwash!


Our family motto for selecting hygiene products is “keep it clean and simple”.  I keep this tonic on my kitchen counter for an in-between meals oral rinse and also in my bathroom for brushing my teeth.

With 4 clean and simple ingredients you can make my “famous”  Tooth Tonic.    ~ Dr. Taylor



Spring Water  (8oz)

Xylitol (3Tbsp)

Baking Soda (1Tsp)

Essential Oil

∗  As with any good recipe you can adjust the ingredients to meet your taste preferences.

Natural DIY Mouthwash Ingredients

The Benefits


  1. Baking soda and xylitol are both basic and can help bring the pH of you mouth from acidic to a healthier alkaline level.
  2. Xylitol is antibacterial and can lower the overall population of the critters that promote tooth decay.
  3. Essential oils add flavor but are often also antiviral, antibacterial and/or antifunal — depending on your selection.

Some of my favorites







Is Your Raw Food Diet Eroding Your Teeth?

I’m usually telling my patients to eat less processed foods and more whole/raw foods.  The reasons are many, but the short story is that your immune system gets higher quality nutrition from unprocessed foods and so can fight decay better in your mouth.  Unprocessed foods also create fewer blood sugar spikes (generally speaking), which improves blood Calcium and Phosphorus levels.  There’s also a deep relationship between blood sugar levels and dentinal fluid transport — the stuff that keeps your teeth healthy from the inside out.

But, a good many of my patients are also dedicated raw foodists.  Generally speaking, they’re vibrantly healthy, but in general I’ve noticed that their teeth appear older than they should — more worn down.  I’ve always guessed that the wear was simply due to increased use:  eating a raw kale salad puts more wear and tear on your teeth than does kale that’s been cooked soft.  But the matter appears to be more complex than that.

A recent post on Renegade Health points to several things raw foodists can do to decrease dental erosion.  The parts that really made sense to me:

Raw food doesn’t always mean low sugar.  Eating tons of fruit can still cause blood sugar swings — which decreases dental recalcification.  Eat plenty of fats with those sugars to level out those blood sugar spikes, and try to eat more green leafies and deep orange/yellow veggies than fruits.

Try to make your mouth less acidic and more basic.  There’re lots of ways:  from eating foods that lower whole-body, interstitial pH to doing simple home-remedy swishes.

You’re gonna need those teeth!

Dental Habits Made Simple and Natural

– If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much we would have found the safest way to health. -Hippocrates

Dental habits go far beyond flossing and brushing —

In fact, many patients who floss and brush daily can still have active decay if other factors are out of balance.  Dr. Taylor has found that a patient’s overall health is often reflected in their oral health.  Practicing great nutrition, staying active, and staying emotionally healthy all bolster your oral health as well.  Regular home care by flossing and brushing, coupled with regular dental visits can also health keep your mouth healthy.

Nutrition —

A healthy, unprocessed diet affects our oral health in a number of ways; total oral sugar exposure, availability of essential nutrients, ability of our bodies to use the nutrients from our foods and oral pH.

A Preventative Dentist is aware that the foods we eat directly affect the health of our teeth.

When food is grown in nutrient rich soil it contains the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and organisms necessary for proper nutrient absorption and assimilation.  When we eat  foods that are depleted of any of these essential nutrients it is more difficult for our bodies to utilize the characteristic nutrients of the food. Eating whole foods, in their original or fermented form, free of pesticides, preservatives and other additives is the best way to acquire the nutrients needed to build and maintain a healthy mouth. When your body gets the nutrients it needs your teeth get the nutrients they need, allowing your mouth to  maintain the necessary balance for optimal oral health.

Food grown in a healthy, nutrient rich environment is a fundamental  building block for strong teeth, healthy mouths and whole body wellness.

Dr. Taylor can  help you critically review your diet and consider the impact of your diet on your oral health. He can work closely with your N.D. or other primary care physician to help you reach optimal whole body health.

A Balanced Amount of Exercise–

Regular, moderate exercise can help strengthen our our immune system.  Tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease are caused by an overgrowth and invasion of oral micro-organisms.  Potentially harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast and fungi) live all over our bodies — including our mouths, therefore a healthy immune system can help prevent dental infections.  In caring for our whole-body health we want to try to find a health balance in moderate, regular excercise because too much exercise can depress the immune system leaving us more vulnerable to dental infections.

Daily Oral Hygiene —

Optimal hygiene would be to brush and floss after every meal! For many people this is not realistic, so bare minimum is to brush morning and night and floss once a day.  We recommend using toothpaste with natural ingredients and avoid those that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS).  We also recommend the use of Xylitol  — a natural sweetener made from birch trees — to help prevent tooth decay.  This “tooth friendly”  sweetener can usually be found at your local health food store as an ingredient in toothpastes, gum, mints or plain to sweeten drinks with. Recent research confirms that  multiple small exposures to xylitol a day has a plaque-reducing effect by attracting and “starving” harmful oral micro-organisms.  Thus allowing your teeth to remineralize with less interruption.

Oral health means more that keeping bacteria at bay. It requires an overall healthy body for the proper maintenance of existing oral tissues and for the production of essential enzymes to deliver minerals to our teeth.

Dental Visits —

The real value in regular dental visits is that exams can find problems when they’re still small:  if tooth decay is caught early enough, it can be reversed without even drilling on the tooth!  If it’s advanced, less conservative treatment may be the only way of predictably restoring the compromised tooth.  Dr. Taylor can help determine how often you may need exams.  Some patients with excellent oral health require far less frequent exams than those with rampant decay.

Overall Emotional Health —

Stress and anxiety can weaken your immune system and overall health — including your oral health.  Unresolving grief, chronic stress, and “burning the candle at both ends” can all work against your oral health if left unaddressed.  Similarly, remaining healthily connected to self, others, nature, and something bigger than one’s self  contributes to emotional well being.  Sometimes something as simple as regular exercise, massage, or service to others can help a lot.  Dr. Taylor refers patients to practitioners of all walks — including those who specialize in emotional health — if he feels it can benefit their oral health.